Thursday, 21 October 2010

There Is A Hell...

... believe me, I've seen it. There is a heaven- lets keep it a secret. I'll pretend these words are taken from a better source than they are. I am not 15. I do not have awful taste in music. I convince myself so easily.

A holiday of sorts... just what I need. I stockpile food, and barricade myself in my chamber, trying to keep out the cold, trying to keep out the world. Somewhere out in the wilderness is a man. A lonesome, broken, man.

He's removed his armour now, laid down his sword... the metal grows even heavier in the bitterness of the approaching winter. Now, without his helmet, we can see his world-worn face. The eyes beneath his furrowed brow are not those of a man of 25 years. Old before his time, in a world that isn't his own.

He cant fit in here, not like I can... and though I'd rather be myself with him, if he wont take me, I shall remain half human, on this earthly plane. I dress myself in human gear, line my stomach with human food... but it doesn't feel the same. Nothing fills the void. He will eat his weight in the food from our realm, and quench his thirst with the goblin juice. I envy him, and pity him.

How I wish to leave this cage. This monotonous existence that holds no magick and no meaning. He has such freedom, and yet he bears such a burden. His inability to conform leaves him stranded, outcast. He has such wit, and wisdom, and all I could ask for... all I desire. Yet in this realm, the only currency is gold.

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