Monday 12 December 2011


It's been another rollercoaster of a year, full of the ups and downs that come with any lifestyle. On the plus side, I am now sitting in an influential position in the workplace- I cant say I crave the power, or even like my job- It's a means to an end and an opportunity to get saving, but as far as the romantic side is concerned, I am still clinging to a hope that should have long since faded.

Yule is approaching- though in all honesty, I feel far more more 'christmassy' than anything else right now. Everyones pressies are nearly sorted, and I have a whole set of decorations for my room- which is just about finished! I just wish for snow, the rain is making me depressed again.

Now I've re-discovered your secret hiding place, I can keep posting. Hope I don't lose touch again, It's an awfully cold time to be alone...