Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Nothing

So the tides turn again. 2012 came in without a huge bang or commotion of any kind. I slept during the transition, hoping that if I did, it might stay 2011 forever. My hope and happiness were both- unfortunately- short lived.

I made myself a promise last year. One I have already failed to keep. I really wanted this year to be different. Better. I planned to let go of all my baggage, and start afresh as the chilled out, carefree spirit I was once. The will power was there, I was ready to make the change... apparently, I was the only one. Now only 2 days into my final year on the planet, my great vision has been sabotaged by the rest of the human race. Lets hope the Aztecs were on the mark, and that December really is when this entire stupid existence comes to an end. I'm not convinced I can wait a whole 12 months...